احبتي في الله اعضاء الجيل الجديد الكرام
اقدم لكم اليوم الاصدار الاخير من وحش الحماية الروسي
KasperSky Inter!net Security2009مميزاتهAnti-Hacker Protection
* Fully integrated personal firewall
* New generation Intrusion Detection/Prevention System (IDS/IPS)
* Privacy controls protect passwords and confidential data
* Parental controls limit online time and access to forbidden sites (with tracking)
* Stealth mode to remain invisible online
Anti-Spam Protection
* Sophisticated self-learning system
* Robust phishing protection against identity theft
* E-mail header previewing before down-loading messages
* Blacklist and whitelists for addresses and phrases
* Analysis of graphics in spam
Impressive System Performance
* The least processor, memory and bandwidth resources required††
* Rapid iSwiftT and iCheckerT virus scanning for accelerated performance
* Automatic balancing of scan speeds with increased user activity
* Ideal for instant messaging and WiFi
Minimize Any Downtime
* Easy-to-create rescue disk instantly restores your system if damaged
* Rapidly rollback any malicious changes including restoring encrypted data
والان مع رابط التحميل اضغــــــــــــــــــــــط هنــــــــــــــــــــــــا أرجو أن أكون قد وفقت في الموضوع
الاشتياق لشخص ما ..هو نوع من الادمان لايحاسب عليه القانون